Day 80

Well the last 6 days have been rough on Wyatt. The beginning of the week he was extremely sensitive, causing him to be bagged quit often. He was having a fair amount of respiratory distress which was requiring him to be on 100% O2 and that barely kept him in the low 90's on his pulseOx. His Crit was low so they gave him 100mL of blood and he has a staph infection in his lungs (they ruled out MRSA) they put him on antibiotics and his CRP levels have come down from 64 to mid 50's to the 40 as of late. He has also had a fever off and on over the course of the week. He was also put back on methadone to help make sure he was comfortable. Once of his worse episodes was being bagged for 25-30 minutes. They would bag him to get his sats back up, put him back on the vent and he would drop back down. It was tough on him and he was exhausted.

Then came Thursday. We gave Wyatt a bath then I held him for a couple of hours then Kelly and I left at 3pm (Thursday). He was asleep when Kelly and I left at 3pm and we talked with my mom and dad in the parking lot for a bit. My parents got in the room around 3:30 and he was wide awake. My dad discovered that Wyatt's fontanel had sunk in dramatically, It has always been bulged but now it was actually sunk in. I will not bore you with all of the minutia concerning how it was found. The nurse immediately got the doctor and they sent Wyatt for a CT. My Mom took pictures and sent to us, you can see for yourself how much different it looks and honestly how visually bad it looks. Kelly and I made a mad dash back to the Hospital and after the CT they had no explanation why it had happened. He was like a totally different kid when compared to the beginning of the week. His eyes were wide open and he was alert and sucking on his pacifier. We had to leave from 6-8pm as the NICU is closed for shift change. When Kelly and I returned at 8 he was on 35% O2 and looked better than he had in over a week. He had also not been on less than 50% O2 in 5 days or so. Friday morning Wyatt had a temp as high as 102.3 I believe. his heart rate was up in the 230 BPM for several hours and was back to not feeling well and his fontanel is now back to normal which is bulging. Kelly Girl held him again for several hours and he did well. He is just not feeling very well. When we arrived at the hospital tonight the nurse said that think Wyatt may have had a couple of small seizures between 6 & 8 but are not sure. Since they were really small the only way to tell for sure is an EEG when one is happening.

As always, Pray for Wyatt and all sick babies.
