Day 81

Today was not a good day. Wyatt had to be bagged several times in the early morning and around around 5:15ish he had a full body seizure that lasted about five and a half minutes. The Nurse called the doctor and he gave Wyatt a bolus of Phenobarbital and gave him another seizure drug called Keppra. This along with his normal Methadone knocked him out for the rest of the day. They doctor had an EEG done, see photo, and we are waiting to hear the results from that. We had all of our parents with us and our mothers helped Kelly Girl give Wyatt a bath (a first for them and they really enjoyed it). Then I held Wyatt for about 5 hours. While holding him he was having small seizures off and on all afternoon lasting a second or two each. He continues to receive Tylenol for fever. Today was a very long/busy day. We both got around 4-5 hours of sleep last night and we were at the hospital from 8am to 10:30pm with a two hours diner break with my parents from 6-8pm while the NICU was closed.

Thats all for now, continue to Pray for Wyatt and all sick babies.
